We are the first Greek Law firm specializing in the field of wine and spirits law. We offer our legal services to national and foreign businesses and professional organizations, including the Greek Wine Federation, the Association of Greek Producers of Spirits and Alcoholic Drinks, the Union of Distillers of Vine Products, the Hellenic Nurseries Association, the Association of Hellenic Industries for Olive Oil, the National Association of Meat Industries and others, as well as the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC) and the Bureau national interprofessionnel du Cognac (BNIC).
We cover all relevant issues regarding :
- Licenses: Plantations – Wineries – Distilleries – Nurseries
- Certificates of agro-food products
- Registration and protection of designations of origin, geographical indications and traditional indications (National and European procedure)
- Protection of trade marks, plant varieties, etc.
- Legal requirements for the presentation of wines and agricultural products (labels) in Greece and abroad
- Import / export of wine, agricultural products and propagating material
- International commercial contracts
- Subsidies and funding of businesses in the food sector
- Protection against unfair competition
- Alcohol taxation
- Advertising rules and consumer protection
- Market Regulations
- Establishment of agri-food companies
- Creation of associations in the food and beverage sectors
- Sales and distribution